Video Of Nermin Sulejmanovic Kiling His Ex-Wife Nizama Hecimovic On Instagram Live

Nizama Hecimovic / Nermin Sulejmanovic / The Irish Sun

A Bosnian bodybuilder streamed the gruesome murder of his ex-wife live on Instagram, followed by a shooting rampage that culminated in his suicide.

Nermin Sulejmanovic documented his violent spree in at least three videos, resulting in the deaths of three innocent individuals and injuries to three more in the northeastern town of Gradacac.

The horrifying series of events unfolded on Friday morning when Sulejmanovic uploaded a video on Instagram, announcing to his followers that they were about to witness a live execution.

He then turned the camera towards his ex-wife, Nizama Hecimovic, who bore visible injuries, and proceeded to shoot her in the forehead.

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